The Quality Care Association of Australia (QCAA) is a not-for-profit organisation that utilises a multifaceted approach in promoting the delivery of quality care.  We support the industry’s pursuit of quality care by advocating for and promoting providers that deliver excellent care (above and beyond the nominal Accreditation requirements).  In doing so, the QCAA interacts with all stakeholders in the industry – service providers, contractors, regulatory bodies and most importantly the consumers and their families.

The Royal Commission into aged care has shown that prevailing systems and entities have failed our elderly care recipients.  We balance the needs of the consumer, tax-payer, service providers and health professionals in promoting quality care.


The QCAA proudly employs a ‘carrot and stick’ approach to implementing much-needed industry change.  The ‘carrot’ component provides our approved members with significant support, endorsement, and resourcing.  Members must meet strict credentialing criteria relating to quality to receive our endorsement and support.  When normal insufficient or absent regulatory mechanism fail, the ‘stick’ aspect deploys media pressure and if necessary, litigation to prompt the cessation of activities that compromise quality care.

Our key focus areas relate to dementia care, medication management, and staff training/credentials.


QCAA endorsed members comprise of:

  • Aged care service providers (both home/residential and not-for-profit/for profit)
  • Contractors to the sector:
    • Supply pharmacy providers
    • Clinical pharmacy providers
    • Allied health operators
    • Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
    • Health technology
    • Legal firms
    • Medical services

These members are required to meet strict quality-based criteria specific to their industry/service.  Membership is free of charge, quality care is the only pre-requisite!

Foundation Members

Michael Bonner

(CEO/owner, Choice Aged Care and subsidiaries)

Michael is an aged care clinical pharmacist with an RMMR/QUM service that extends to 38,000 residents.  More recent service innovations include the establishment of Choice Geriatrician; Choice Pharmacist (aged care embedded pharmacists); and the National Care Academy (a suite of government funded RTOs for workforce upskilling).

Athena Ermides

Athena has been working in residential aged care for over 25 years, managing ethnic specific culturally diverse services before moving into consultancy assisting a range of for profit and not for profit services with compliance and other challenges.  During this time she has acted on the LASA Board for a number of years as well as not for profit organisations with mentoring and support for managers and clinical staff specifically in residential aged care.

Liz Drew

Liz has a long established career both in the Community Care and Residential Aged Care sectors, providing strategic advice and clinical governance expertise in the not for profit sector.  Liz has extensive experience in ensuring high level care and clinical governance processes are embedded into practice.  Liz’s most recent experience is working with industry to transition paper-based clinical information systems to an electronic format.

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